The following presentation formats for your conference contribution can be chosen during the registration process:
- Format 1: Short Presentation
After a short welcome by the moderator of the session, the presenter will give a summary of the main contents of the presentation (approx. 7-10 min.), based on the supplementary online materials already provided by the presenter. This will be followed by the opportunity for a detailed discussion.Ideally, upload a video of about 20 to max. 25 minutes of presentation length in advance so that conference attendees can get an idea of the research.
- Format 2: Live Presentation
Since the presentation slots are limited due to the time slots available worldwide, the number of long slots is limited significantly. We would appreciate it if you could indicate as clearly as possible which presentation format you are assigning yourself to already during the registration stage. Important: The program committee reserves the right to convert a chosen "Live Presentation" format into another possible presentation format if the number of live presentations exceeds the number of possible slots.
After a short welcome by the moderator of the session, the presentation will be presented online (analogue to a traditional conference, 15 to max. 20 minutes); followed by the discussion (25 minutes in total). - Format 3: Discussion
After a short welcome by the moderator, there is no further presentation or summary of the supplementary online materials already provided by the presenter. The time is completely used for discussion. The presenter will be available for questions.In this format, it is mandatory to upload a narrated video of 20 to max. 25 minutes in advance to provide conference participants with a detailed insight into the research. If no videos are uploaded in advance, no conference slot will be made available.
All formats include the opportunity to ask questions of the presenters.
Furthermore - after brief consultation with the respective session moderator - the use of break-out-sessions in the conference video chat system Zoom is possible.
In a breakout phase, participants are divided into randomly assembled groups. Each group is given then its own virtual room for a limited period of time and can hold discussions there in a smaller group of participants. These phases can be compared to a "mumbling period"/"discussion time" in the broadest sense and serve to formulate and discuss questions within the small groups first before these are taken to the plenary. Presenters could use this, for example, to stimulate a more in-depth discussion of their own questions by the plenary.